Category Archives: Yoga


Yoga is a important part of my life since a long time but last year I decided to pursue it more seriously. It brought enormous changes in my life. These changes are more mental than physical. Every aspect of yoga is powerful but I am a big fan of Pranayama. It is the most underrated part of yoga in today’s world. Mostly people relate yoga to physical exercises that helps in weight loss which I personally consider as a insult to this “Great Indian ancient philosophy of India.” Most people concentrate on asana part but forget about pranayama.

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama can be segregate into two words “Prana” and “yama”. Prana is a vital life force (it is different from breath) and yama means to control/regulate or ayama can be defined as extension. So pranayam can be defined as regulating our prana.

It is necessary to understand our breathing pattern. What is count of your breath per minute?

Yogis believes that one who breathe slowly lives longer like tortoise, it takes 4 breaths/minute. When you extend your breath retention part automatically come into the picture.

As per Patanjali yoga sutra 2.49

तस्मिन् सति श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामः ।।

Once someone get the grip of asanas then only one can perform pranayam. Our breathing should be gentle slow and fully controlled.

Pranayama consist of 3 stages/phases:

1. Inhalation or Purak

2. Exhalation or rechak

3. Retention or Kumbhak

Surprisingly, the word “Kumbhaka” is used as a synonym of pranayama in many ancient text of yoga like “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” or “Gherand Samhita”.

Kumbhaka originate from word “Kumbh” which means “pot” or “vessel”. If we consider our body as vessel and prana as a water. So we are trying to retain our prana inside body by holding the breath. The retention of breath is considered is very important part of pranayama but it is not easy and come with the practice.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika talks about “Astha kumbhaka” means 8 Kumbhaka.

अथ कुम्भक-भेदाः
सूर्य-भेदनमुज्जायी सीत्कारी शीतली तथा |
भस्त्रिका भरामरी मूर्छ्छा पलाविनीत्यष्ह्ट-कुम्भकाः ||

It means there are 8 kinds of kumbhaka (pranayama). They are :

Sûrya Bhedan, Ujjâyî, Sîtkarî, Sîtalî, Bhastrikâ, Bhrâmarî, Mûrchhâ, and Plâvinî.

Many of these pranayama do not require retention of breath (atleast one can start without retention in the beginning).